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ARBITRATION introduces one or more neutral experts to hear evidence in a dispute and to render an award. Binding arbitration requires parties to accept the arbitration award and waive their right to legal action. The opportunity for appeal is limited.

Arbitration has become a primary alternative to litigation for many business and community leaders because of its prompt, private and economical process.


·   Recognizing the advantages of arbitration and selecting an arbitrator with subject knowledge and experience can be critical to process efficiency and an objective outcome.

·    Involving your attorneyArbitration includes more complex procedures than other alternative dispute methods. The involvement of an attorney, though not required, is recommended. Your attorney can provide guidance on selecting the arbitrator, procedural concerns, and case strategy.

·    Streamlining the processArbitration offers parties abbreviated rules compared to the courts, leading to savings of time, expense, and frustration.


Party involvement — Arbitration is adaptable to the complexity of the case. Parties and counsel can limit procedures and duration appropriately without sacrificing critical input.

Copyright © Richard Fullerton. All rights reserved.